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Probe into in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+1Posted:2018-09-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: come into beingbring into beingprobeproberbe innocent ofspace probebe in the redbe in the right
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121. Objective To probe into the value of clinical application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning technique in the diagnose of cochlear nerve and vestibular nerve lesion.
122. Objective To probe into the causes, symptoms and treating methods of discitis.
123. Objective:To probe into the influence of music therapy on analgesia effect of brachiplex blocking anesthesia for patients undergoing replantation of amputated finger operation.
124. Objective:To probe into the methods for enhancing signal intensity of pathological changes via conduct of Brain MRI, consequently making a basis for automatic filtration for them.
125. Objective : To probe into the diagnosis and treatment of protrusion of the upper Lumbar intervertebral disc.
126. Therefore, this article take the Mohammed Ali time's Egypt tribal society as the main object of study, probe into historical function of Egyptian politics, economy and military.
127. Objective To probe into the cause and prevention of the reopening after endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) for varicose veins in lower extremities.
128. Objective:To probe into the mechanism of kidney invigoration on osteoarthrosis and osteoporosis.
129. We probe into teaching of the basic laws, get an intuitionist deducible method which brings on student easily to hold it.
130. Objective The probe into thymoma to the surgery operation of nurse criterion.
131. Purpose : To probe into the method of surgical of BPH with inguinal hernia.
132. Objective To probe into the effects of military noise on the hearing threshold of the speech frequency and high frequency in the elders.
133. Objective: To probe into the changing of thyroidea function and its significance in liver cirrhosis.
134. Objective To probe into the diagnosis and the treatment of intramedullary hemangioblastoma of of medulla oblongata.
135. Objective:To probe into electrocardiogram stakeout the heart toxin side-effect in the patients with ADM chemotherapy.
136. It is necessary to probe into the reportage field about the principle of realism.
137. Objective To probe into the effect of using Dopamine and Lasix to cure the severe PIH.
138. Objective To probe into the feasibility and clinical application of interforniceal interpositum approach.
139. Purpose:To probe into the curative effect of chemotherapy via internal iliac artery infusion coupled with hysterectomy to treat carcinoma of uterine body.
140. Object To probe into the anti hypertension activity mechanism of extracts from Compound Jueming ( CJ ).
141. This article, only from the angle of the right control, procedure control and legislation technical control( into.html)(, takes a probe into establishing and preventing the mechanism.
142. The cost management by objective is the central part of engineering project management. This paper makes a probe into how to define object cost.
143. Objective To study the distribution of antibody against GM1 ganglioside in serum and CSF, and to probe into its pathogenetic role in motor neuron disease(MND).
144. Objective To probe into the relationships between habitation environment, personal sanitation and students suffering from acarodermatitis in campus.
145. To probe into the blahs situation after elder brain thrombus.
146. Objective To probe into the role of hemophagocytosis in bone marrow in the diagnosis and treatment of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis(HLH).
147. Objective To probe into the feasibility in diagnose of renal artery stenosis with simple harmless methods.
148. The author uses the method of comparison to probe into the ideologies of Sexual Harmony between Lawrence and Chi Li from the aspects of sexual relation and cultural antagonism.
149. Objective: To probe into the effect of autoimmune on the development of vulvar dystrophy.
150. Objective To probe into the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate with chronic severe hepatitis.
More similar words: come into beingbring into beingprobeproberbe innocent ofspace probebe in the redbe in the rightintroduce intobe in two mindsbe intended forbe in the minoritybe in the habit ofbe independent ofsee intothereintocome intohereintotie intogive intopile intodive intolace intowade intomake intomove intopoke intodrive intodelve intocome into use
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